Cured updates

4. Change the chapter titles:

  1. Delete the subhead (numbering)

  2. Keep the earphones in the headline

  3. Put them in the headline like this:

[chapter title] | Chapter [number]


🎧We Hear Voices | Chapter 42

1. Put in this copy for audio at the top of every chapter

🎧 Listen to Sarah read this chapter above or on Spotify:


2. Delete the paywalls and accompanying copy and put this copy at the bottom of all posts. Keep the button to the index and links to the next chapter.

If you haven’t already purchased access to Cured for $30—about the price of a hardcover book—you can do so here:

Purchase access to all of Cured


3. Put this copy at the start of all episode notes

If you haven’t already purchased access to Cured for $30—about the price of a hardcover book—you can do so here.

Check Social Preview and SEO titles

Update link in ToC