Ah, yes, exclamation points (!).You want to use them, but you don’t want to use them. You feel pressured to have them in every email and text. A salutation has to be followed by one: Hello! Simple statements get three, even four: Can’t wait to see you!!!!
This is wonderful, you have completely summed up all my feelings about exclamation marks, that I could never have found the words to do. Weirdly I have a husband who is a keen exclamation marker! I see that must be unusual now
This is wonderful, you have completely summed up all my feelings about exclamation marks, that I could never have found the words to do. Weirdly I have a husband who is a keen exclamation marker! I now see that must be unusual
Thanks for sharing this Sarah: funny and informative all at the same time. (I restrained from using an exclamation point there, but did feel deep joy in the statement…) Love this in particular: ‘The exclamation point should more accurately be called the joy point, as in I’m full of joy that this moment exists. Joy, not giddy excitement. Like happiness, excitement is a fleeting high; joy is that low-level positivity.’
Don't even know where to begin. There are so many lines I want to restack, because oh, wow! So I'm just going to restack the whole essay. It's so funny, brilliant, poignant, and informative. Joy!
Yes!! I, too, “transitioned from exclamation-point abstainer to borderline-exclamation-point abuser” in recent years.
For me, it started in academia, when I was a college dean and on the receiving end of unending complaints (not directed at me, necessarily). When a student, instructor, administrator, or staff member instead sent a genuinely joyful and enthusiastic email punctuated by an exclamation point or two, it made my day so much brighter. So, I started using them myself.
Here on Substack, especially when responding to comments, I worry I’ve taken it too far. But the thing is, when I’m in the midst of writing those replies, I feel such enthusiasm welling up. Usually, this feeling is located in my heart and I feel pulled to convey it.
Exclamation points have had a bad Press for decades ... Mainly because they became over-used as a way of explaining (badly) emotions of all sorts ... They became frowned on in, first the serious press and then the tabloid. The view is that they are lazy and unimpressive and do not define an expression ... But they do have their place in all sorts of writing, even literary. They in fact can have a shock value - and a do make their point. But don't litter your work with them... In a 500 word article I would try not to use even one, unless it actually enhanced the writing! (👍)
I have always been careful with my exclamation points, although I admit to having used more than five in my life. They may be a girly thing, but note that the Orange One also likes them. Love the piece and restacked it.
I used to work with a woman who signed off her emails with “Thanks!” It influenced the way I viewed her (positively) and made me more attentive to her requests.
This is wonderful, you have completely summed up all my feelings about exclamation marks, that I could never have found the words to do. Weirdly I have a husband who is a keen exclamation marker! I see that must be unusual now
He's a keeper!
He so is!
This is wonderful, you have completely summed up all my feelings about exclamation marks, that I could never have found the words to do. Weirdly I have a husband who is a keen exclamation marker! I now see that must be unusual
I love this! Seriously!!
This is the best comments thread ever!
Thanks for sharing this Sarah: funny and informative all at the same time. (I restrained from using an exclamation point there, but did feel deep joy in the statement…) Love this in particular: ‘The exclamation point should more accurately be called the joy point, as in I’m full of joy that this moment exists. Joy, not giddy excitement. Like happiness, excitement is a fleeting high; joy is that low-level positivity.’
I love that this comments thread is full of exclamation points (ahem, joy points) so don't hold back!
Don't even know where to begin. There are so many lines I want to restack, because oh, wow! So I'm just going to restack the whole essay. It's so funny, brilliant, poignant, and informative. Joy!
Yes! All the support in this comments thread is going to tip me over the edge into exclamation-point abuser--joy point abuser!
Go for it! And I loved seeing a tip button on the post. Did you see the little graphic treat I sent you in Notes?
Love this (!!). Punctuation well played and played for JOY is satisfying.
It is. It's so satisfying!
Yes!! I, too, “transitioned from exclamation-point abstainer to borderline-exclamation-point abuser” in recent years.
For me, it started in academia, when I was a college dean and on the receiving end of unending complaints (not directed at me, necessarily). When a student, instructor, administrator, or staff member instead sent a genuinely joyful and enthusiastic email punctuated by an exclamation point or two, it made my day so much brighter. So, I started using them myself.
Here on Substack, especially when responding to comments, I worry I’ve taken it too far. But the thing is, when I’m in the midst of writing those replies, I feel such enthusiasm welling up. Usually, this feeling is located in my heart and I feel pulled to convey it.
Me too! (I've gone over the edge now--all the support in these comments.) It does feel good. Academia, humph.
Exclamation points have had a bad Press for decades ... Mainly because they became over-used as a way of explaining (badly) emotions of all sorts ... They became frowned on in, first the serious press and then the tabloid. The view is that they are lazy and unimpressive and do not define an expression ... But they do have their place in all sorts of writing, even literary. They in fact can have a shock value - and a do make their point. But don't litter your work with them... In a 500 word article I would try not to use even one, unless it actually enhanced the writing! (👍)
I love this: shock value.
I have always been careful with my exclamation points, although I admit to having used more than five in my life. They may be a girly thing, but note that the Orange One also likes them. Love the piece and restacked it.
That's true. Let's pretend he doesn't. Or note that he uses them to boast, not connect.
Just so damn good. Love it
Thank you, Sarina. So great to have you here. (Restraining an exclamation point there.)
I used to work with a woman who signed off her emails with “Thanks!” It influenced the way I viewed her (positively) and made me more attentive to her requests.
That's so funny. Right? It's subliminal advertising.
I knew it!!!! I love them!!!! I put them! Every!where! 😁
Shelly, this just gave me more joy than I can possibly say.
Joy? Joy. Seriously, joy. Joy! JOY!!! I love it. ❤️
This is SO good!
I love the idea of exclamation points as expressing vulnerability by displaying our enthusiasm. I also love that language evolves and so can we.
Yes, language evolves and so can we.