My young dreams included taking the stage by storm while wearing pointe shoes and wearing a frilly dress, and apron, pearls, and high heeled shoes to greet my husband at the door when he came in from work (the Donna Reed Show, Leave it to Beaver, etc.). I'm now 73 and I still have dreams and no fear of going after them. I'm becoming a fabric designer, learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to make repeating patterns. But my dreams are even bigger than that! I may not ever be "successful" in this world's terms but I'm having fun trying.

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As juvenile as it may sound, one thing I’ll fear less is living with the belief that I’ll never be too old to dream big. Thanks Sarah.

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When I was young< I just had a burning desire to learn, because I knew that I didn't know so much. It took many years to find my way...and it took a sick child to do it. Once I got on the path to find answers for him...it opened vistas I never dreamed existed. It has been a lifelong journey...and I am still on the path to acquire more knowledge...learning never ends.

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Whether people like me or not

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It used only be protecting my daughters.

Now it is also about protecting myself from any who seek to make me something I am not.

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I will be fearless about sharing what I've created. And if not, I will be fearless enough to put it out there anyway! What others think, say, or do because of what I create is not a reflection on my ability or define who I am. And it's all just unconfirmed thoughts holding me back anyway. Action that reveals who you are can't help but be a way to find out who your true friends are—or in some cases, help you figure out who you are yourself!

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Moving across the country and beginning a whole new life. Leaving what is comfortable, familiar and secure takes a fearlessness that understands this….

Get comfortable being uncomfortable!!

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I started by writing that I want to spend more energy on being myself and less on fearing what others think. I get so much feedback about being "too direct" "passionate" etc. in Iowa. (I literally had a guy friend the other day say I can be a bitch at times, but HE appreciates how direct I am! I never thought of being a bitch and being direct as the same thing. Wow.) I may never fit in...so I guess where this too me is that I want to become less fearful of never fitting in...and more courageous about seeking out people who revel in that...

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I am fearless about doing things which frighten me – because I am rather frightened, or being ill at ease, than being bored due to drab life.

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